Monday, March 21, 2011

Ag Day Celebration a Success

March 14 thorough 18th was Ag Week in Butte County, and the Butte County Farm Bureau, Butte County Extension Office, Butte County department of Noxious Weeds and the Butte Soil and Water Conservation District celebrated with several events throughout the week, culminating with the “Start Your Day with Agriculture Breakfast” on Friday Morning.

On Tuesday the Farm Bureau sponsored an Agricultural Quiz Bowl for the Butte Senior High. The winning team earned their class a pizza party on Friday.

Thursday was pizza day at Arco Elementary School. The Extension Office developed a “Where did my pizza come from?” activity, which was presented to all the classes on Thursday by the Extension Office with help from Farm Bureau members and weed superintendent Brad Gamett. The children received a sheet with a picture of an alfalfa farm, corn field, wheat field and tomato field, and searched the prepared posters for the same picture on a poster where they learned where their food when from there. In the end, they were able to “make” their pizza for lunch. One student said, “Wow, our food sure makes a lot of stops!”

The week culminated with the “Start your day with Agriculture” breakfast. The breakfast was sponsored by the Idaho Beef Council, the United Dairymen of Idaho, and many other commodity commissions and was served by Farm Bureau members Pam and Marc Kelly, Jackie Stewart, and Zip Zediker as well as extension educator Chad Cheyney and extension district director Barbara Petty. Over 150 beef breakfast burritos were served starting at 7:30 AM...

We will post the photos soon!

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