Grasshopper/Mormon Cricket Control

Grasshoppers and Mormon Crickets continue to be on of the most serious pest problems in Idaho rangelands and adjacent croplands.
Idaho State Department of Agriculture Mormon Cricket and Grasshopper Control Program offers help to ranchers, farmers, and the general public in the suppression of economically damaging infestations on private or state owned lands. The program provides pest management information, insecticide bait and helps organize aerial cost share projects with private landowners to control damaging populations of these pests. Our program also strives to minimize negative environmental impacts from application of insecticides. Participants are required to abide by the EPA approved product labels and follow principles of sound pesticide stewardship.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is an important partner in the overall program. APHIS conducts statewide surveys to determine the density and species composition of grasshopper populations on rangelands as well as suppression projects.
If you need help with grasshopper or Mormon cricket infestations go to our contact information and complaint form page.
2015 ISDA Program
Operations will be a Bait Distribution Program only.
Farmers and ranchers with
infestations will have the option of receiving Carbaryl bait. The landowner will take full responsibility
for labor costs, proper application, and storage of the bait. In order for a landowner to receive bait, the
land to be treated must be used for agricultural purposes (i.e. grazing,
haying, or other types of crop production) and be 5 acres or more in size. All private landowners receiving bait must
submit a completed Form 1, Request for Evaluation. Please email the attached fillable PDF form
found with this letter to
Upon receipt of a Request for
Evaluation form, ISDA will inspect the private landowner’s property for the
extent of infestation. ISDA field scouts
will inspect the land in question to determine if bait is to be distributed to
a particular landowner. Upon receipt of
any bait, the landowner will be required to sign an ISDA bait form, taking full
responsibility for the use and storage of the bait they receive.
Landowners who receive bait will be required to
comply with all label restrictions and requirements, as well as comply with the
Idaho Pesticide and Chemigation Law, National Pollution Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) Pesticide General Permit (PGP), and any other applicable state,
federal, or local laws. This
responsibility also includes strictly following the insecticide label and
proper calibration of application equipment, following all environmental
precautions, and property storing and disposing of the empty bait bags.
ISDA has the responsibility and the authority to
investigate any alleged pesticide misuse, particularly in regard to Carbaryl
bait applications, and take enforcement action when appropriate.
Adequate oversight of the pest suppression
program is an expectation. Failure of
participants and cooperators to submit the proper forms, such as Request for
Evaluation or Bait Distribution Record, as required by ISDA, may result in loss
of eligibility to participate in the program or to receive financial
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