Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Cattle Eating Sagebrush WSARE Tour Nov 16th

Cottonwood Ranch Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education

(Western SARE) Program Tour
Friday, November 16th, 2012 

Agee Smith, of Cottonwood Ranch, secured a Western SARE grant in 2010 to see if they can reduce winter feed costs by having their cattle get protein and energy from sagebrush and rabbitbrush while enhancing rangeland health and resilience. Grazing has taken place during two fall/winter seasons since 2010 and an initial tour was conducted in June,

2011. We invite you to come and learn what’s come from the

use of this valuable rangeland treatment tool. 

We’ll get started at 10am (PST) with presentations and discussion.Then, we’ll have lunch (compliments of Western SARE), followed by a tour of the field sites.
The tour will conclude by 5pm. 
There will be a BBQ dinner on the evening of November 16th at Cottonwood for all who are interested. Lodging accommodations for the night of November 16th can be made by calling Cottonwood Lodge at 775-472-0453. Lodging and food rates are as follows: Dinner - $20, Lodging - $55/bed (double occupancy), and Saturday breakfast - $10. Camping and RV

space rental will also be available. Please RSVP to Cottonwood Lodge (phone number
above) or email to cottonwoodranch2000@yahoo.com
Contact Agee Smith
(775-752-0605) if you
have any questions

This project was partially funded
by a grant from the Western Sustainable Agriculture Research
and Education Program


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