rust is confirmed in Hazleton, ID, on the soft white winter wheat variety
Brundage. So far only in one field, but we will keep monitoring the
development. Winter wheat in Jerome area was boot to flowering, but no stripe
rust was seen on WB528 and SY Ovation. Root disease (possibly Rhizoctonia) and
maybe nematode pressure caused stunting, root damage, yellowing of plants in
fields where cereal crops were planted three years in a row.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Beef Quality Recertification Opportunity June 24th
On Tuesday June 24th, as part of the Idaho Cattle Association Mid-year Convention, there will be a Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) recertification workshop. The topics will include:
- Implants and Growth Promotants
- Beef quality Assurance Workshop
- Meat Carving Demonstration
- Test for Recertification
Friday, May 23, 2014
Informational Meetings for Food Processing Coop June 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Food Processing Co-op Update Meetings
Round Valley, Salmon
River Area, and Lost River
More info on Feasibility Study, Steering Committee,
Membership discussions
Jobs, Future, and Hope!!
Monday, June 2nd 6:00 PM at Salmon
Innovation Center
Tuesday, June 3rd 6:00 PM at Challis
Community Event Center
Wednesday, June 4th 6:00 PM at Mackay City
Jeri D’Orazio &
Christopher James
Shiloh Warm Springs
Ranch and Garden Creek Farms
Joe Heaps, JT Heaps,
Mark Lupher, Jon Sheppard
Custer Economic
Development Association
Parma Fruit Day September 5th
The University of Idaho Parma Research and Extension Station will hold its 2014 Fruit Day on September 5th. Please click on the image or HERE to see the entire program.
Regional Master Gardener Convention June 27-28th in Rexburg

Click on the image or HERE to download a brochure!
master gardener,
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Developing Your Food Product Idea, June 13th
The June 13 session of Developing Your Food Product Idea is
rapidly approaching.
We still have seats available for those hoping to get
started with us this season.
You can find course applications on-line at the UI Food
Technology Center website.
If you can’t join us in June we will be offering the class
again in November.
economic development,
food safety
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Humane Trapping: A Balancing Act
The University of Nebraska in cooperation with Cornell University are offering training workshops on line in wildlife damage control. A webinar is being offered May 15 on humane trapping.
Details available at Webinar on humane trapping.
Please pass along. Everyone is welcome. No registration required. Video
recording will be available several days following the webinar for those that
are unable to attend.
wildlife damage
Friday, May 2, 2014
A Closer Look at Links between Fertilizers and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
By Ann Perry
April 28, 2014Nitrous oxide can absorb 300 times more radiation than carbon dioxide. After the application of nitrogen fertilizers, soil microbes can convert nitrogen into nitrate and then into nitrous oxide. However, Venterea suspected nitrous oxide emissions are even more strongly correlated with levels of nitrite, another form of nitrogen that is not commonly measured.
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