Friday, September 13, 2013

Protecting Your Investment in Winter Cereal Planting

Planting winter cereals in Idaho- protecting your investment.
University of Idaho. Pest alert, September 12, 2013.
Dr. Juliet M. Marshall, Cereal Agronomy and Pathology
Dr. Arash Rashed, Entomology, Aberdeen R&E Center

Over the past several years our winter cereal production, in Idaho, has been negatively impacted with various arthropod pests and disease, including Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV).
Below, are a few suggestions made to improve the overall health of our winter crops and to reduce the risk of significant yield loss due to disease problems:

Southeast Idaho Cereal Trial Data is Now on Line!

Production data from Dr. Juliet Marshalls cereal trials are being posted at the Southeast Idaho Cereals website at

Webinars on Farm Tax Issues

Click on image to enlarge.