by Tom Karsky, Univeristy of Idaho Extension Safety Specialist
The Oil Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Program (SPCC) can have an effect on growers that store fuel and oil on the their facilities. This program is not new, it was part of the Clean Water Act of 1974 but the part that affects farmers and ranchers is now coming into effect. The goal of the program is to prevent oil from spilling into waters of the US and adjoining shorelines. A key element of this program requires an oil spill prevention program called an SPCC plan to be completed by May 10, 2013. Those that are affected by this requirement must meet the following conditions:
1. Store, transfer, use, or consume oil or oil products such as diesel fuel, gasoline, lube oil, hydraulic oil, adjuvant oil, crop oil, vegetable oil, or animal fat. AND
2. Store more than 1320 gallons in above ground containers (only 55 gallon drums or larger should be included in the total) or more than 42,000 gallons in below ground containers. AND
3. Oil could be expected to discharge into navigable waters of the US or adjoining shorelines (lakes, rivers, streams). The nature and flow properties combined with a rain event must be considered.