Lunch will be provide by the Irrigation Center of Arco, and 3 re-certification credits have been applied for. Call Frances at the BSWCD in Arco at 208-527-8557 ext 101 to register and reserve a lunch. Please leave a message in no one is available to take your call.
Soil Health will be covered by Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), state Agronomist, Marlon Winger. Winger will cover:
- Understanding the slake and infiltration test as a indicators of soil health.
- Managing soil health by following 4 basic principles
- "How do I know if my soil is healthy?" evaluating soil health an understanding the interactions between micro-organisms the plant and the soil ecosystem.
- Case studies of soil health in Idaho. "What is your neighbor doing?"
Brad Gamett, Butte County Weed Control Superintendent will cover:
- Noxious weed identification
- Herbicide soil residue
- Insects - good, the bad and the ugly.
Jess Fullmer, NRCS District Conservationist, will discuss:
- USDA-NRCS Programs
Attendance at all presentations is required to recieve re-certification credits.
The program is presented by the Butte Soil and Water Conservation District with technical assistance from the USDA-NRCS, Lost Rivers Coordinated Weed Management Area, and the University of Idaho Extension
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